Privacy Policy

We are dedicated to protecting and maintaining the privacy of our users. This privacy statement describes what happens to any personal information you provide us or that we learn about you while you are using our site. Please check our Policy frequently as we do update it from time to time.

Data that we collect

We may gather and use the information listed below about you in order to operate and manage our website:

1. Details of your visits, such as the pages you view during your visit and the resources you use, as well as information about how you use our site. These data include those related to traffic, location, and other communications.

2. Details you willingly supplied. For instance when you purchase anything or give your personal information.

3. Information you give us when you contact us through any channel.

Your information is used

In order to offer you our services, we use the information we learn about you. Additionally, we might utilize the data for one or more of the following activities:

1. To give you the information you want from us about our goods or services.

2. To advise you about further products that might be of interest to you. Only in cases where you have given your approval will such additional information be given.

3. To keep you updated on any changes to our services, products, or website.

If you have previously bought goods or services from us, we could give you information on comparable or additional items and services that you might find interesting. If you have given your permission in advance, we may provide a limited number of third parties access to your information so they can advise you about unrelated products and services we think you would find interesting. If such consent has been given, it may be revoked at any time by you.

Release of your information

We will only share your personal information in the ways described in this privacy statement and under the conditions after below.

1. If we decide to sell some or all of our company to a buyer.

2. In cases when disclosing your personal information is mandated by law.

3. To strengthen fraud prevention and lower the likelihood of fraud.

External links

 There are occasionally links to external websites. When we link to another website, it does not imply that we support or agree with that website's approach to visitor privacy. Prior to submitting them any personal information, you should review their privacy statement.